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was going through nate's mayoshino highlights on instagram until i was overcome with emotion for them and had to stop and draw them immediately. they care for each other soooooooooo much so so much. they wanna make each other so happy they just want the other to be at peace, and they both do as much for the other that the other does to them its so sweet theyre so sweet they make me sick/pos i need them to continue loving each other til the end of time.
although the super calm vibe on the rowboat piece was intentional. i did still imagine them getting a little silly with it hehe so i just had to draw some more light hearted doodles of them out on their rowboat X3
a friend from tumblr mentioned that the mayoshino song gave them rowboat vibes with the drums and how rhythmic and chant-y it is and then my mind couldnt stop wandering thinking about those two losers on a rowboat hehehehe.... cute mayoshino date idea where mayoi takes shinobu to a frog breeding ground to see all the cute frogs and tadpoles everywhere :]
words cannot describe what happened. words cannot describe the event of mayoshino song. nothing will ever capture the moment again of hearing mayois crazy ass moans for the first time and being so flustered i had to pause the song. nothing will ever recapture the moment this was. had to draw at leas SOMETHING to celebrate or i wouldn't be able to live with myself
after a long artfight and losing motivation to attack, I went ahead and read prison break and was immediately thrusted back into the mayoshino brain i badly missed. I was sooooo happy to be drawing them again after essentially a month of abstinence hehehehe and the tank tops just look soooooo good on them heaven bless. petition to make their clothes rip off their body more. i mean. who said that hahahaha
new mayoi casual added to mayoi furry design
new casual added to shinobu furry design
PIRATE AU PIRATE AU !!!! rundown: Shinobu is a prince born into royalty and morisawa is his highest knight, tetora is a rogue that morisawa endeared himself to, and midorin the palace gardener. They slowly start realizing how the king isn't as good as he says he is, but Shinobu's his son so theres not much they can do about it......right???? until Morisawa and his knights have to go eradicate a cult that has been around for a while, but is only now starting to pose a threat to the king and the established religion. They all then met this eccentric town fisher who Morisawa was quickly endeared to. He soon realizes his new friend is the one he has to kill, and this is the breaking point for the group. They split off from the royal family and form a revolution, except... there's these strange pirates that keep saving them from all the tricky pinches they get into. They're forever grateful, but these pirates just never seem to introduce themselves !!!! until Shinobu's out on the brink of death and mayoi comes out to personally save him! ever since then, they've been in league with each other to properly behead the monarch and force Shinobu into power, and maybe mayoi has a place for himself as one of the next kings too.
THESE LOSERS DONT KNOW HOW TO KISS !!!!! POINT AND LAUGH !!!!! HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA !!!!!!!! but 4 real tho, my uni 3d animation class really put me back in the animation headspace and i rlly wanted to animate again ! i used to animate a bit in middle school and continued doing some light animation throughout the years, but i definitely viewed it as a super chore, but recently i've felt like animating is fun again even if im not the best at it :] thank you ben (my ani prof) what i love the most forever about drawing is expressing human emotions and animation is just such a cool and fun method of doing that X3
shinobu birthday !!!!!! sweet mayoi waking him up with a song... what a lucky boy.... :] I had a loooot of fun shading this piece :] instead of drawing on the shadows, i drew on the highlights, which was a rlly fun process !!!!! and what made it cooler is that when i isolated the highlights, u could still clearly see all the forms and posing which i think is just so cool hehe
mayoi's bday !!!!!! I've been wanting to put shinobu in a lolita dress for FOREVERRRRR and finally did hehehee X3 poor shinobu probably hates it tho, sorry 2 him, but he'd do anything for little mayoi :] mayoi's sweet smile is worth it all.... i've also always meant to draw mayoi in a lolita dress and i did that during artfight !! but since it's someone else's mayoi furry design, i don't feel comfortable adding it here hehe, i have my af linked on my personal site if u wanna go check it out!
no way.... the little kandi raver in the flesh !!!!!! made this animation for an animation meme that u shuld totally chek out cuz it has more artworks of the little pokemon mayoshinos hehe X3 didn't put them all here 1. because i didn't rlly like the spam for me personally 2. i made them with the explicit purpose of having them in a video and feel like the video is part of the artwork and 3. because theres a pair of transparents that look rlly strange when not together (theyre the ones at the end of the video) but maybe one day I'll decide to go back and and them in hehe
woa..... its tha kandi boy raver...... i made him after i made the mayoi one and made him shake his little butt more to mimic mayoi's tail hehe
April 2024
glacemayo my sweet.... i struggled a little with the design but then i manifested noir niege in my head and finally got to a place i liked with it X3 for his braid i made it a twisted glaceon... thing.... idk what to call those LOL but i twisted it to give the illusion of a braid X3 and hes super fluffy 4 the cold !!!!
April 2024
joltenobu my beloved...... i was super inspired by this shinobu cbc to give him a pink gradient and i think he looks so cute with it !!!!! rlly fast and simple design process hehe
new updated mayoi thumbs up
April 2024
squirrel shinobu redesign !! bye bye sparkledog shinobu, helo normal design. it's super simple but u kno wat, i learned over the year btwn the old design and this design that making something crazy fucked up isn't everything, and a basic little design isnt the end of the world :] and im rlly happy with it!!!
April 2024
skunk mayoi redesign !!!! make them way simpler than their old sparkledog skunk design LOL and gave them little clovers..... it was such an obvious decision to make idk why i didnt do it b4 hehe.... cute little mayoi skunk rolling around in a clover field :]
unexpected little kissies !!!!!!! :] little shinobu so small u can just pick him up heaven bless... i bet mayoi loves it X3 This was originally traditional, I just used Ibis paint's extract line drawing feature to color it hehe, I just knew that the specific energy i wanted wasn't gonna work out digitally (idk if this happens to anyone else but the vibes of my traditional sketches are always a little different than the vibes of my digital sketches ....) I'm very happy with shinobu's hands and mayoi's posing. I used to alwaysssss struggle to make dynamic posing or specifically those poses where the hips are in a way different part from the neck and just generally not making characters stand up really stiff, so being able to get this out where their poses look super natural with believable weight distribution without being stiff makes me happy that I'm always growing and improving :]
March 2024
MY ONE AND ONLY KINSONA ...... this is both shinobu and me teehee when 2 emos merge the emoness only multiplies
March 2024
pony mayoi redesign !!!!!! my first one was actually crazy insane and at this point i've had more experience designing furries so I wanted to give them a more simple and effective design :] and im super happy with it.... i love u pony mayochan........ don't tell anyone this but i actually never really watched mlp or was an mlp fan, I just played a fuckass barbie horse game on the wii and think that the pony style is super cute
March 2024
MORISAWA PONY !!!! CRIES AND CRIES. world most basic pony but idgaf it suits him and i love him and so does shinobu
March 2024
i wont lie idk if this counts as digital, but i at least tried to digital-ify this so it's here for the effort lawl. cute little moon mayoi in his winter casual showing off his awesome moon
little mysn kitties...... i love mayoshino furries to the end and back (i am the only person in the whole damn world making mysn furries) i will keep giving them new silly furry designs til the day i die X3 I do wish i had more of a furry style tho bcoz my anthros always look like naked people and I get embarrassed @_@ anyway moon theming moon theming hehehe it doesn't always have to be the sun and the moon, sumtimes u inhabit an awesome planet with 2 moons and theyre in love :]
March 2024
felt like designing a furry version for one of my favorite shinobu cards X3 heres a link to the base i used !!! I didnt feel like drawing so i just used a base teehee
valentines mysn hehehehe I'm really proud of the way i used shinobu as framing hehe although the posing gave me hell so i had to actually use a reference (rare event)(Im just too lazy to use references most times LOL) I had so much fun thinking about mayoi making shinobu little sweets X3 I wish i coulda given mayoi a cooler pose but I'm not mad with what i have either
Jan 2024
silly little elementary shinobu concept of how he'd be sent to school vs how he'd come back lol, baby emo ....
BUG MYSN BUG MYSN. i have so many mayoshino animal associations and i think firefly nobu and moth mayoi not only fit so well with them individually, but also works so well with moths being drawn to light :D :D I also had a really fun (and hard) time drawing their silly little chibis interacting. I love widehead chibis but making them interact is super hell (u can see how many attempts this took in my traditional art tab lol)
THIS PIECE TOOK ME FOREVVERRRRR cuz I started it BEFORE UNI STARTED but then i kept being wayyyyy too busy to finish it until winter break LOLLL i wish i could've shaded it but i seriously just needed it done at some point lawll, and i think the style of it looks good with flat colors anyways hehe The autumn theming for shinobu is based on his squirrel card!


Ibis paint makes these artworks REALLY hard to date since they're mostly pony designs, so I simply added the ones I COULD accurately date first, and then just lumped all the ibis paint ones together by theme. Also know that a lot of the pony designs keeept getting little tweaks + all mayois originally had brown eyes but i went back and replaced them all LOL very hard to date them .... ALSO a lot of these cbc (character-based-character) designs are defunct! go to my toyhouse to see which ones are still in use~

craziest mayoshino bkub just dropped and i needed to make little bkubs like my life depended on it hehehehe Isn't mayoi soooooo kind for helping shinobu work out X3
their morning braiding session !!!!!!!! Shinobu's coming at it like a fucking engineer i think he's so funny. And this is the origination of my headcanon that older mayoi would have his hair braided at the back from living with shinobu and having him do their hair every morning !!!! :] It would be so cute to slowly see it happen where some days Mayoi is just walking around with a back braid from sleepovers with shinobu (obviously mayoi is not gonna redo the braid if shinobu's the one who did it for them) and it slowly starts happening more and more often until that's just their new look hehe
cute girls cute girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love mayoshino yuri god bless. drawing those skirts sent me to HELL btw. long skirts r soooooo hard to drawwww especially since i don't wear them so i have no intuition for how their fabric folds should even look >_<
femstars mysn !!!!!! from b4 i headcanoned them both as nonbinary hehe which is why i femmed them so much. not that theres anything wrong with that X3 I still think these hairstyles r rlly cute :] cute girls cute girls.....
LITTLE SKUNK SQUIRREL MYSN !!!!!!! if you go check my traditional art tab you'll see HOW MANY IDEASSSSSSSSS i had for them, and i wish i coulda done them all, but i think if i spammed skunk squirrel mayoshino my followers would be bound to get sick of em at some point LOLLL. regardless im rlly happy with these chibis X3 i think they came out with rlly cute proportions which is what i struggle a lot with with chibis :]
proper drawing featuring my starfes redesigns X3 im soooo happy with the designs, but the drawing itself has some craaaaazy framing/neg. like why are shinobus legs over there and why are there so many cookies up top !!!!! but whatever snzzzzzz at least it exists which is the important part hehe
STARFES REDESIGN. although i love starfes to death, the fact that the NINJA CLUB didn't get NINJA THEMED outfits drove me a little insane, especially since i loooove christmas themed outfits and the starfes outfit is just...... so basic !!!!!! so I tried my hand at redesigning it and it's my favorite thing ever !!!! if anyone else ever draws mysn in this design i'd pay a million dollars to see it
halloween mayoshino.... zombie doctor mayoi x zombie shinobu is crazy insane i love it so much..... go be freaky boys !!!!!!!!!!
CUTE MAYOI FURRY LAUGHING i think this emote is SOOOOOOO cute i love it so much!!!!! he's so hehehaha !!!!! so of course i had to furry him lawl.
MY PRIPARA MAYOISSSS I am a huge pripara-head (if it weren't obvious enough from the fact that my main site is completely based on pripara LOL) and wanted to dress sweet mayoi up like a doll in a bunch of pripara coords, so I did just that !!!!! and shinobu shows up quite a bit too hehe. Here's a link to the post because i drew so much that it'd clog the fulllllll page just to show them all. plus the tumblr post has a lot of little commentary on most outfits that i don't wanna transfer over lol. I know the point of having a personal site is to not have to reference social medias but please let me have this.
CUTE LITTLE MAYOI he's not as tainted (in my mind) as the other anthro valentines mayoi I drew just cuz I adore the og card of this one so much i think it's the cutest mayoi card in the world (tied with many other mayoi cards.... theyre such a cutiepie)..... little silly boy with their tail between their legs.... i love you mayoi
I will never forget the person on tumblr who said he should have a clover instead of a heart. i wanted to rip my hair outttttt this is a VALENTINES DESIGNNNNNNN falls to the floor and cries...... and now i cant look at this without cringing; i am never going to recover from that
little white day shinobu squirrel hehehe had a flash in my head of the flowers being represented by leopard print and had to make it real..... and he's also here to match valentines mayoi furry lawl X3
Heart car anthro :] :] my sweetiepie...... cute little mayoi....... loosely based on their valentines card X3
CUTEST LITTLE HEART CAR (cbc name) I'LL NEVER GET RID OF YOU I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!! my cutest mayoi furry 4ever
wtf..... what did u do to shinopony why is he looking at me like that......
collection of a bunch of little mysn furry doodles X3 I originally wanted 2 post them on tumblr maybe but i got too embarrassed LOL
HELO RACECAR !!!!!!!!! :D :D :D my sweetiepie 4ever
hes so confused...... whats wrong little mayobaby.....
poor racecar.... who did this to him.....
RIP MAYOCHAN u will be remembered...... had sm fun developing a chibi style heheehehe, totally did not expect this stupid little comic 2 do well on tumblr tho lol i always am afraid that i'm mischaracterizing every character i draw X3 thank u everyone..... sniffles..
racecar approves. used to be a thing among my friends 2 have a little thumbs up emoji with huge eyes hehehe
sweet little racecar ....
HELO PICNIC (name of the cbc) I wont even lie i think gingham looks so cute on shinobu he deserves to be so picnic.... i struggled with designing the back n stuff tho, which is why hes got some fuckass brown and white on there lol. hes still 4ever a cutiepie 2 me tho
WOW hello racecar (name of the cbc)....... this design is super defunct so i haven't seen them in a while X3 i still adore the little pink hair gradient..... pink little mayochan i love you. I am SO not normal about mayoi skunk, i've said it before and I'll say it again, he is a SKUNK !!!!!!! SKUNK THROUGH AND THROUGH !!!!!!! cute little thing who is so helpful and loving but constantly characterized only by the stench they give off and their potential to hold rabies. Dis was me in my sparkledog era, I still didn't quite understand how to design furries and tee bee aych idk if I ever learned, but this design is super incoherent LOL
The goopster mayochan to match the rst aliens i made b4 .... helo goopster...... i love you goopster....
funny little alien designs for rst that i needed to get outta my head X3
their cute little birthday photo based on the mayoi bday minitalks X3
Birthday piece with SCRs !!!!!!! I was already planning on getting both their scrs on eng at this point so they were heavy on the mind!!!
little addition to frawg nobu :] helo peachy helo thunder
mayoshino tsugai kogarashi !!!!!!!! go listen to the song this is based on. Constantly daydreaming about them performing that song ....
Little mysn pixiv profile picture i made for myself :]
fs2 shinobu ouhhh...... i learned a lot about coloring water for this one and it totally shows in the water quality imo :] also experimented w perspective !! overall just a lot of pushing myself with it and i think i did learn a lot from it ^_^ I still remember the VIVID struggle of trying to get the cast shadows right though....... shading my worst enemy (it's really fun but really hard)
Mods IV mayoshino i love you........ fun fact i used gradient mapping on the jackets and then cleaned it up :]
mysn hammy love ....
more hammies :]
I do NOT fuck around about skunk mayoi. cutiepie with a matching outfit to squirrel shinobu :]
shadow man shinobu !!!!! made shinobu into the ninja robot, who's surprised. I do think the song The Megas made would sorta fit for a reason why shinobu would be evil though, because Shadow Man's story is that he's found abandoned and alone and is reprogramed into being evil, and in the song Afraid of the Dark, The Megas describes Shadow Man as having the "good" in him be "dying slow[ly]" and how it's tearing him apart. Idk i just think if shinobu were ever to be evil, the story of having his loneliness manipulated against him while encouraging his ninja special interest could be a believable way to do it. and shinobu sort of begrudgingly agreeing and feeling it tear himself up inside and making shinobu into someone who's afraid of himself would make sense. all of the megas songs are really good, u should listen to them, especially gemineye which is 2 clone bots turning against each other in paranoia of their imminent death. They generally take a really cool tone to the psychology of robots who have both a human consciousness and also an evil programming.
snake man mayoi !!!!! snake man's ability to send out little spy snakes to know where to sneak to is totally the closest megaman trait they'd have if forced 2 be evil and wicked hehe, although if i'm going for the most mayoi-coded Megas song, I'd say The Haystack Principle (TW suicide) which is about Needle Man in a police interrogation being so lamented about how scary he is and how he keeps hurting everyone close to him. he keeps saying again and again that he really doesn't wanna be evil but he can't stop himself from having weapons built into him, and the cop keeps reminding him that he can never take back the damage he's caused, so he ends up choosing death by cop (acting out in a way that can easily get himself killed). I feel like if mayoi were ever forced to be bad he just wouldn't even stand for it and would be even more scared of himself than evil shinobu. Someone save these tortured robots
opposite ends of the creature spectrum
FUCKED UP CUT SHINOBU i drew dis after reading the little story of shinobu cutting his own hair and thinking it was so ass he had to hide and then morisawa was like 'u look fine' but i wanted to draw him with an ass haircut anyway LOL
funny armadillo mayo..... the little baller
7th anni mayopony !! i rlly love the 7th anni outfit but it was rlly hard 2 design a little mayopony out of it XT idk how much i like it.....
fs1 mayopony !! so hard tryna design this i wont even lie cuz of all the dark colors but I did what i could X3
Valentines Mayochan i LOVE YOU !!!!!!!! my sweetest pony 4ever and ever and ever and ever
fs2 mayopony!! wat a sily thing ...
cross x mark pretty mayopony.... really hard to design with these colors >_< but it's such a pretty card i needed 2 pony him
Noir Niege mayopony i love you so much you are so beautiful and perfect 2 me you are so awesome and ur saddle is cool as fuck i love saddles
kuromi mayoi pony !!!! struggles a lot w dis design 2, mayoi's dark outfits fuck me up !!!!
Og mayopony.... hes strange as fuck but he's my pretty pony .... still getting the hang of how to draw ponies in this hehe
white day valentines horse yaoi i love them so much
Nobu white day design! probably should've saddled him but hes too prince to be ridden he needs to be just a pretty pony god bless
fs2 nobu !!!! hes so cute.... little frog.... so frog..... hes so ribbit
Little fs1 nobu ^_^ cute boy, straightforward design, not much 2 say hehe. boy whos so yip yip yooray!!
7th anni nobu !! I rlly like that card but making a pony design of it felt rlly hard @_@
HAMTARO NOBUUUUUUU my favorite favorite FAVORITE nobu pony BY FAR !!!!!!! It was really hard to do because the accent is yellow while the base is also yellow, but in the end I think it makes him look pretty cluttered while still coherent (cuz I tend to think new design elements have to go into super different colors, so being forced on such a strict palette was a super nice exercise) AND HIS LITTLE SADDLE !!!!! HIS LITTLE SADDLEE !!!!!!!!! HIS SWEET SADDLE AND COLLAR enuf 2 make a grown man cry i LOVE giving little pony designs little saddles i think they look so cute idc if they're unusable
Jiangshi Nobu design ! I'm honestly really happy with it even though I gave it a more ghostly vibe rather than a zombie or vampire vibe
Ninja clan pony design !!!!!! I think it's my most asymmetrical furry design :]
PONY SHOOB !!!!!!!! one of my first Shinobu furry designs and it set a precedent for so much future nobu designs with the naruto whiskers and purple gradient
The compiling of the prev 2 drawings in a sort of enstars gacha card style :] I'm still rlly happy with it teehee, I spent a lotta time on it ^_^
MotorShow counterpart!!!!! such cuties :] :] I totally wanted to make them more affectionate but I was still used to reading people call kiibouma abusive for just breathing around eachother and then reading some fabled articles (tweets and wiki entries) of saying mayoshino are also not appropriate, and although I was obviously used to it from kiibouma, because this was a new fandom I felt the need to play it safe at first teehee. I have like so much embedded shame for my ships and headcanons and i feel like it totally shows sometimes, whoops.
Starfes Mayoshino !!!!!!! Being a tiny foosy and having recently gotten into enstars and mayoshino and still recovering from having read motor show and then having this happen is life changing. It's really funny remembering this happen because I was used to kiibouma which. doesn't exactly get consistent new releases or ANYTHING as explicit as this shit. so I was like "omg does this mean mayoshino will be the most mainstream ship for them after this ?????" (<--- boy who does not know the intensity of enstars fandom alkakurei tunnel vision + single unit priority)
My very first real Mayoi drawing !!!!!! fresh outta my old rendering style so I still had it in me (i kida miss it LOL). Also fresh out of drawing Kokichi Ouma for 2 years straight, and you can definitely see it in the way I drew those bangs. Cute boy in their cute My Melody fit :]