Haiiiii hoping to document my silly littol mayoshino brain :]

My personal laptop is 2560x1600, so all my sites are optimized for that setup, but it shooouuuld work with other desktop/computer sizes >_< buuut it probably won't work to well on other devices like mobile, sorry !! bunny sweat drop


[12.12.2023] added winter lines and 2 new office images

[11.30.2023] more images and css stuff has been added to the lines section! I considered making the text slideshows or at least be able to dropdown the sections for easier navigation, but I'd rather die than try to get js to work... I also thought really hard about adding another office tab and didn't lol. credits tab updated too

[11.4.2023] Reading, lines, and art tab added. some basic text and images added to reading and lines

[11.2.2023] Credits + Office tabs added with content + signatures added to profiles. u can also move nobu out of the way of text by hovering over him now

[11.1.2023] Got the tabs to start working so now I'll start keeping up with updates :] I just added this whole tab today!! also cleaned up the code a little :] i'm hoping to be adding a credits tab soon (currently only the profile and home tabs exist) and then idk probably take a long hiatus before adding any more actual content lolz